In the Bone – 2011

My hand built vessels take form in a searching way, in a dialogue with the material. A rough shape is slowly being refined towards a final form that that only becomes clear as the work progresses. There is often a period in the middle of the making process where the piece seems like a failure that should be rejected, before more work finally reveals a form that works, that has tension and grace.

This series of work is about the importance of the senses and instinct in how we relate to the world. The abdomen is the centre for so much feeling and experience. Hunger for food and pleasure stirs us there, while fear and anxiety makes it clench and ache. It is the home for so much of our non rational being, and also the site for the growth of future generations.

The abdomen is held and cradled by the pelvis and this is the starting point for a series of shallow vessels.

The hand built vessels take form in a searching way in a dialogue with the material. A rough shape is slowly being refined towards a final form that that only becomes clear as the work progresses. There is often a period in the middle of the making process where the piece seems like a failure that should be rejected, before more work finally reveals a form that works, that has tension and grace. Their main aim is to appeal to the senses, with rough and smooth textures, soft curves and pierced holes with thick and thin sections. Some pieces are further black fired in a saggar firing.

The project evolved to include work in glass and bronze, further exploring the language of materials.

First showed at the 2010 Degree show at The National College of Art and Design, Dublin.






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