Annika Berglund Commissioned Work

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Held Note 2012

70cm*38cm*15cm Commissioned by Dublin Musical Youth Foundation for the exhibition Instrumental Art in 2012.

Earthstone clay and mixed media



Trophies for the Blackrock Animation Festival 2011

8 trophies 16cm*10cm*8cm

8 trophies designed and created for winners of the 2011 Blackrock Animation Festival.

Earthstone clay and wood



Trophy for Scléip! - Gaelscoileanna 2006

Grand Trophy 45cm 25cm* 18cm

Winner of a competition to design a travelling trophy for the Gaelscoileanna Scléip! competition, a talent competition aimed at pupils attending Irish medium secondary schools troughout Ireland.

Also created sets of 12 runner up trophies for the following 4 years.

Porcelain, silver and wood

My concept for the trophy was to include elements that referenced artistic and entertainment images but also had elements of the irish landscape both rural and urban.

Image from proposal